Information from print media is more credible than information from digital media.1

1 Weser A. 2017

co.patient's print media convey credible and empathetic messages that are relevant to patients.

Print media for patients are more credible

Digital media are unbeatable when it comes to accessing a variety of information in a short time. But print media also have specific advantages and are far from being superfluous: Studies show that print media are more credible. The information transfer should also ideally be a pleasure for the patient thanks to a sophisticated design and an appealing feel. Print media are also relaxing for the patient: For many users who search for information on the internet, the brain is under constant stress because a lot of content is taken in hastily. In contrast, patients are more relaxed when they read a brochure, and the content is received more positively.

Relevant content

co.patient is the expert for media and medical content created specifically for patients. We develop patient media for pharmaceutical companies, clinics, medical technology companies, and health insurers. The co.patient team is made up of experienced experts for almost every indication, who ensure that our content is truly relevant to patients.

Addressing the patients with empathy

A lot of patient information material is limited to medical facts or uses language that is too sober. If you really want to reach patients, it is better to communicate empathetically and, for example, to address social aspects and fear of the illness. As a specialist provider of patient media, we have mastered this excellently. With medical and design expertise, we illustrate complicated content and make it understandable for patients in a sensitive manner.


The feel and look have to be just right so that doctors pass on the brochures and patients enjoy reading them. Authenticity is important, too: Patient media often portray feel-good worlds and testimonials that seem very random and bear no resemblance to the target group. However, authenticity is vital for giving the patient the feeling that the communicating company has genuinely understood what it is all about.

Advantages of our print media

An extensive offer: patient brochures, patient advice, patient magazines, patient newsletters, medical infographics

Our doctors vouch for the high relevance of the content for patients

Empathic patient communication

High standards of aesthetics and authenticity

Let us convince you with examples of our work

  • Kuratorium für Dialyse und Nierentransplantation e.V. (KfH)

    Client: Kuratorium für Dialyse und Nierentransplantation e.V. (KfH)

  • Diagram kidney transplantation

    Client: Kuratorium für Dialyse und Nierentransplantation e.V. (KfH)

  • Malignant Melanoma

    Client: MSD

  • Single-sided Handout

    Client: Janssen-Cilag

  • Interactive implants

    Client: Nobel Biocare

  • Patient Brochures Radiology

    Client: Bayer

  • Campaign Dentures

    Client: Nobel Biocare